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Removal of Metals
Metals compound present in the waste water and soil are the main contaminants which raising the environmental pollution. These metals ions should be removed at the source in order to avoid pollution of natural waters and subsequent metal accumulation in the food chain. There are many conventional methods for removal of these metals ions like chemical precipitation, chemical oxidation, chemical reduction, ion exchange, filtration, electrochemical treatment and evaporation but these methods are very expensive, less effective and also further production of toxic sludge or waste products which require disposal. One of the alternative methods for heavy metal removal is the biosorption of heavy metal ions on biomass. Microalgae are known to have high capacities and selectivities in the uptake of heavy metals. But there were only a few established processes.
The research team at Hash BioTech is working to establish various processes for the use of screened microalgae to reduce the heavy metal concentration in wastewater effluents and in soil etc.
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