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Bio Fertilizer
The indiscriminate use of costly synthetic fertilizers has raised many questions about their long term economic and environmental viability. It has been found that by using the synthetic fertilizers; the flora of the soil is severely damaged leading to sterility of the soil. At the same time, it creates environmental pollution. The production of synthetic fertilizers is an energy intensive process. The high cost associated with their use, is also not a viable option for marginal farmers, across the world.
The alternative renewable solution to synthetic fertilizers is the use of Bio Fertilizers. Bio-fertilizers are organisms that enrich the nutrient quality of soil. The feedstock for developing Bio Fertilizers includes fungi, bacteria and micro algae. In recent years, blue-green algae, a group of soil micro-organisms have been shown to be agriculturally important, particularly in tropical rice field soils. This is because of capacity of some of the algae to synthesize organic substances and also to fix atmospheric nitrogen.
At Hash BioTech, our team of scientists is working on the improvements of diazotrophic cyanobacterial strains by incorporating functional capabilities for diverse agro-climatic conditions. It is expected that such “super strain” would be able to work efficiently in to diverse ecological habitats and application of such super strain will tremendously improve soil fertility and crop productivity.
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